West Bengal Police Recruitment Board inviting application for recruitment to the posts of Sub-Inspector / Lady Sub-Inspector (Unarmed) in West Bengal Police-2012.
S.No Name of the Post No of Posts
1. Sub-Inspector (Un-armed) 282
2. Lady Sub-Inspector (Un-armed) 118
Pay Scales: Rs. 7,100-37,600/- (i.e. Pay Band-3) + Grade Pay Rs. 3,900/- plus other admissible allowances.
Age Limit: The candidates must not be less than 20 years and not more than 27 years as on 01.01.2013 (i.e. born not earlier than 2nd January, 1986 and not later than 1st January, 1993). Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC and ST and by 3 years for OBC candidates of West Bengal only. Upper age limit is also relaxable upto 35 years for departmental candidates of West Bengal Police having requisite qualification.
Educational Qualification: A degree of a recognized university or its equivalent.
Physical Standards:
i) For Male Candidates: Height-1.67 mtrs., Weight- 51.5 Kgs, Chest- 79 cms with a minimum expansion of 5 cms., Vision-According to Health Manual.
ii) Hill men of Darjeeling District: Height-1.60 mtrs., Weight- 50 Kgs, Chest- 76.20 cms with a minimum expansion of 5 cms., Vision-According to Health Manual.
iii) For Female Candidates: Height-1.60 mtrs., Weight- 45 Kgs, Vision-According to Health Manual.
iv) Hill women of Darjeeling District: Height-1.55 mtrs., Weight- 45 Kgs, Vision-According to Health Manual.
Application Fee: Rs. 150/- only in the form of A/C payee Demand Draft (payable at Kolkata) from any Nationalized Bank or IPO (payable at GPO Kolkata) purchased on a date after publication of the advertisement in favour of 'West Bengal Police Recruitment Board’ (WBPRB).
How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Duly filled up Application Form along with two photographs and copies of all certificates are to be placed in an envelope of size 34 cm X 26 cm. The application form should not be folded. The envelope should be properly sealed. On the top of this envelope please write “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SUB-INSPECTOR (UN-ARMED) / LADY SUB-INSPECTOR (UN-ARMED) OF POLICE IN WEST BENGAL POLICE - 2013” On the right side of the envelope please write “TO THE CHAIRMAN, WEST BENGAL POLICE RECRUITMENT BOARD, ARAKSHA BHAVAN (PCC), SECTOR-II, BLOCK-DJ, SALT LAKE CITY, KOLKATA-700 091”. Application form may be deposited at the same place from where it was issued or can be sent directly to the Chairman, West Bengal Police Recruitment Board by post. On the left side of the envelope please write “From” followed by your name and full address. Please ensure that the application form reaches West Bengal Police Recruitment Board before the last date of receipt of application i.e. 17/04/2013.